Steve Cushing Impresionist Fine Art Photography
Embracing imperfection, recording emotions, one impression at a time…
Section One
Colour Images
Black and White
Section Two
A.Schacht Ulm 90 f2.8
A.Schacht Ulm 135 3.5
Anamorphic LOMO 110
Asahi Takumar 17 f4
Berthiot Flor 200 f4.5
Canon 50 f1.2 RF
Canon Dream 50 f0,95
Canon 50 f1.8 Leica
Canon FD 50 f1.4
CZ Biogon 35 f2.8
CZ R-Biotar 50 f0.7
CZ Biotar 58 f2
CZ Biotar 58 PreWar
CZ Biotar 75 f1.5
CZ Flektogon 20 f2.8
CZ Pro Tessar 50 f2.8
CZ Pro Tessar 115 f4
CZ Sonnar 50 f1.5
CZ Sonnar 85 f2.0
CZ Sonnar 135 f4
CZ Sonnar 135 PreWar
CZ Stereotar Stereo
CZ Stereo-System
CZ Triotar 135 f4
Cyclop H3T 85 f1.5
Deltamar 70 f1.6
EF 100mm f/2.8L USM
EF 100-400 f/4.5L IS
El-Nikkor 50 f2.8
El-Nikkor 50 f4
Elicar V-HQ Medical
Ernemann Ernostar f2
Fujinon 55mm f2.2
Helios 44 (KMZ)
Helios 44 58 f2
Helios 65 50 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 65 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 85 f2
Jupiter 9 85 f2
Jupiter 11 f4.0
Kilfitt Makro-Kilar 40
Konishiroku 35 f2.8
Konica Hexanon 260
Leitz Wetzlar AV90 f2.5
Mayer AV 80 f2.8
Meyer 100mm f2.8
Mir-1 37mm f2.8
MC Rokkor 24mm f2.8
MC Rokkor 28 mm f2.5
MC Rokkor 58 f1.2
MD Rokkor 135 f2.8
Noflexar 35 f3.5 Macro
Olympus Zuiko 50 f1.8
Pentacon 28 f2.8
Pentacon 50 f1.8
Pentacon 135 f2.8
Pentacon 200 f4
Pentagon AV 80 f2.8
Pentagon AV 100 f2.8
Pentacon AV 140 f3.5
Petzval LOMO 130 f1.8
Rayxar e50 f0.75 Delft
Rodenstock Heligon
Rodenstock Rodagon
RF 50mm f/1.2L USM
Rollei Projar 85 f2.8
Schneider 50 f2.8
Schneider 75 f4.5
Schneider 135 f3.5
Sigma 14-24 DG Art
Steinheil 135cm f4.5
Stitz Stereo SV-1 3D
Stitz Stereo IR SV1 3D
Super-Takumar 55 f1.8
Super-Kiptar 90 2.0
Tair-11 133 f2.8
Will-Wetzlar AV 90
Triplet 5 AV 100 f2.8
Creative Entrances
Creative Flowers
Creative Mountains
Days of Rain
Creative Lens Flare
Creative Stereo
Double Exposure
Feelings and Emotions
Long Exposure
Pep Ventosa Technique
Reversed Helios 44
Reversed Mir-1 37mm
Rubber Helios 44
Self Made Lens
Using ICM
Water & Ice
French Life
Bédarieux Stereo
Boussagues Stereo
Caroux Stereo
Château de Mourcairol
Cirque de Mourèze
Cirque Mourèze Stereo
Colombieres Stereo
Faugeres Stereo
FOS Stereo
Château Grézan
Gorges d'Heric
Gorges d'Heric Stereo
Herepian Stereo
Herepian Rally
Herepian Cycling
Madale de Rosis Stereo
Minerve Stereo
Music Prieuré StJulien
Olargues Stereo
Passa Pais
Passa Pais Stereo
Pézènes Stereo
St-Martin-de-Londr 3D
St Guilhem le Desert
Vieussan Stereo
Villemagne Stereo
Painted Places
Painted Music
IR and UV
642nm Colour Images
742nm Colour Images
Aerochrome Images
Aerochrome Stereo
B & W 850 IR
B & W 850 Stereo
CB580 Images
CB580 Stereo Images
QB1 Images
QB1 Stereo Images
QB2 Images
QB2 Stereo Images
ZB3 Images
ZB3 Stereo Images
ZBW2 Images
ZBW2 Stereo Images
Asahi Takumar 17 f4
A.Schacht Ulm 90 f2.8
A.Schacht Ulm 135 3.5
Anamorphic LOMO 110
Berthiot Flor 200 f4.5
Canon 50 f1.2 RF
Canon Dream 50 f0.95
Canon 50 F1.8 Leica
Canon FD 50 f1.4
CZ Biogon 35 f2.8
CZ R-Biotar 50 f0.7
CZ Biotar 58 f2
CZ Biotar 58 PreWar
CZ Biotar 75 f1.5
CZ Contaflex
CZ Flektogon 20 f4
CZ Flektogon 20 f2.8
CZ Sonnar 50 f1.5
CZ Sonnar 85 PreWar
CZ Sonnar 135 f4.0
CZ Sonnar 135 PreWar
CZ Stereotar Stereo
CZ Stereo-System
CZ Triotar 135 f4.0
Cyclop H3T 85 f1.5
Deltamar 70 f1.6
EF 100mm f/2.8L
EF 100-400 f/4.5L IS
El-Nikkor 50mm
Elicar V-HQ Medical
Ernemann Ernostar f2
Fujinon 55mm f2.2
Helios 44 (KMZ)
Helios 44-2 58 f2
Helios 65 50 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 65 f2
Jupiter 9 85 f2.0
Jupiter 11 135 f4.0
Kilfitt Makro-Kilar 40
Konishiroku 35 f2.8
Konica Hexanon 260
Leitz Wetzlar 90 f2.5
MC Rokkor 24 f2.8
MC Rokkor 28 f2.5
MC Rokkor 58 f1.2
MD Rokkor 135 f2.8
Meyer AV 80mm f2.8
Meyer 100mm f2.8
Mir-1 37mm f2.8
Noflexar 35 f3.5 Macro
Olympus Zuiko 50 f1.8
Pentacon 28 f2.8
Pentacon 50 f1.8
Pentacon 135 f2.8
Pentacon 200 f/4
Pentacon AV 80 f2.8
Pentacon AV 100 f2.8
Pentacon AV 140 f3.5
Petzval LOMO 130 f1.8
Rayxar e50 f0.75 Delft
Rodenstock Heligon
Rodenstock Rodagon
RF 50mm f/1.2L USM
Rollei Projar 85 f2.8
Schneider 50 f2.8
Schneider 75 f4.5
Schneider 135 f3.5
Sigma 14-24 DG Art
Steinheil 135cm f4.5
Stitz Stereo SV-1 3D
Super-Kiptar 90 2.0
Super-Takumar 55 f1.8
Tair-11 133 f2.8
Triplet 5 AV 100 f2.8
Will-Wetzlar AV 90
Tech Blog
Anaglyph 3D
Anamorphic Lenses
Aperture and Lens Size
Cha-Cha Stereo
Chromatic Errors
Creating Adapters
Creative Techniques
Crop Factor
Dating Lenses
Depth of Field
Digital Sensors
Extension Tubes
False Colour
Fast Lenses
Film VS Digital
Fine Art Photography
Flange Distance
Flange Distances (list)
Focal Length
Focal Plane
Focus Stacking
High Dynamic Range
How Lenses Work
Hyper Stereo
InfraRed Photography
Influencies Art
Influencies Photos
ISO Speed
Lens Cleaning
Lens Design and Glass
Lens Design History
Lens Flare
Light and Photography
Manual Lenses
Maximum Aperture
ND Filters
Optical Lens Types
Painting Photographs
Projector Lenses
Radioactive Lenses
Resolution MTF
Shutter Speed
Stereo Photography
Stereo IR Photography
Stereo Window
Tilt and Shift Lenses
UV Photography
Visual Language
Wet Plate
Zoom Lenses
Cushing Tree
The Cushing Name
First Name Variants
Family Crest
Steve Cushing Impresionist Fine Art Photography
Embracing imperfection, recording emotions, one impression at a time…
Section One
Colour Images
Black and White
Section Two
A.Schacht Ulm 90 f2.8
A.Schacht Ulm 135 3.5
Anamorphic LOMO 110
Asahi Takumar 17 f4
Berthiot Flor 200 f4.5
Canon 50 f1.2 RF
Canon Dream 50 f0,95
Canon 50 f1.8 Leica
Canon FD 50 f1.4
CZ Biogon 35 f2.8
CZ R-Biotar 50 f0.7
CZ Biotar 58 f2
CZ Biotar 58 PreWar
CZ Biotar 75 f1.5
CZ Flektogon 20 f2.8
CZ Pro Tessar 50 f2.8
CZ Pro Tessar 115 f4
CZ Sonnar 50 f1.5
CZ Sonnar 85 f2.0
CZ Sonnar 135 f4
CZ Sonnar 135 PreWar
CZ Stereotar Stereo
CZ Stereo-System
CZ Triotar 135 f4
Cyclop H3T 85 f1.5
Deltamar 70 f1.6
EF 100mm f/2.8L USM
EF 100-400 f/4.5L IS
El-Nikkor 50 f2.8
El-Nikkor 50 f4
Elicar V-HQ Medical
Ernemann Ernostar f2
Fujinon 55mm f2.2
Helios 44 (KMZ)
Helios 44 58 f2
Helios 65 50 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 65 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 85 f2
Jupiter 9 85 f2
Jupiter 11 f4.0
Kilfitt Makro-Kilar 40
Konishiroku 35 f2.8
Konica Hexanon 260
Leitz Wetzlar AV90 f2.5
Mayer AV 80 f2.8
Meyer 100mm f2.8
Mir-1 37mm f2.8
MC Rokkor 24mm f2.8
MC Rokkor 28 mm f2.5
MC Rokkor 58 f1.2
MD Rokkor 135 f2.8
Noflexar 35 f3.5 Macro
Olympus Zuiko 50 f1.8
Pentacon 28 f2.8
Pentacon 50 f1.8
Pentacon 135 f2.8
Pentacon 200 f4
Pentagon AV 80 f2.8
Pentagon AV 100 f2.8
Pentacon AV 140 f3.5
Petzval LOMO 130 f1.8
Rayxar e50 f0.75 Delft
Rodenstock Heligon
Rodenstock Rodagon
RF 50mm f/1.2L USM
Rollei Projar 85 f2.8
Schneider 50 f2.8
Schneider 75 f4.5
Schneider 135 f3.5
Sigma 14-24 DG Art
Steinheil 135cm f4.5
Stitz Stereo SV-1 3D
Stitz Stereo IR SV1 3D
Super-Takumar 55 f1.8
Super-Kiptar 90 2.0
Tair-11 133 f2.8
Will-Wetzlar AV 90
Triplet 5 AV 100 f2.8
Creative Entrances
Creative Flowers
Creative Mountains
Days of Rain
Creative Lens Flare
Creative Stereo
Double Exposure
Feelings and Emotions
Long Exposure
Pep Ventosa Technique
Reversed Helios 44
Reversed Mir-1 37mm
Rubber Helios 44
Self Made Lens
Using ICM
Water & Ice
French Life
Bédarieux Stereo
Boussagues Stereo
Caroux Stereo
Château de Mourcairol
Cirque de Mourèze
Cirque Mourèze Stereo
Colombieres Stereo
Faugeres Stereo
FOS Stereo
Château Grézan
Gorges d'Heric
Gorges d'Heric Stereo
Herepian Stereo
Herepian Rally
Herepian Cycling
Madale de Rosis Stereo
Minerve Stereo
Music Prieuré StJulien
Olargues Stereo
Passa Pais
Passa Pais Stereo
Pézènes Stereo
St-Martin-de-Londr 3D
St Guilhem le Desert
Vieussan Stereo
Villemagne Stereo
Painted Places
Painted Music
IR and UV
642nm Colour Images
742nm Colour Images
Aerochrome Images
Aerochrome Stereo
B & W 850 IR
B & W 850 Stereo
CB580 Images
CB580 Stereo Images
QB1 Images
QB1 Stereo Images
QB2 Images
QB2 Stereo Images
ZB3 Images
ZB3 Stereo Images
ZBW2 Images
ZBW2 Stereo Images
Asahi Takumar 17 f4
A.Schacht Ulm 90 f2.8
A.Schacht Ulm 135 3.5
Anamorphic LOMO 110
Berthiot Flor 200 f4.5
Canon 50 f1.2 RF
Canon Dream 50 f0.95
Canon 50 F1.8 Leica
Canon FD 50 f1.4
CZ Biogon 35 f2.8
CZ R-Biotar 50 f0.7
CZ Biotar 58 f2
CZ Biotar 58 PreWar
CZ Biotar 75 f1.5
CZ Contaflex
CZ Flektogon 20 f4
CZ Flektogon 20 f2.8
CZ Sonnar 50 f1.5
CZ Sonnar 85 PreWar
CZ Sonnar 135 f4.0
CZ Sonnar 135 PreWar
CZ Stereotar Stereo
CZ Stereo-System
CZ Triotar 135 f4.0
Cyclop H3T 85 f1.5
Deltamar 70 f1.6
EF 100mm f/2.8L
EF 100-400 f/4.5L IS
El-Nikkor 50mm
Elicar V-HQ Medical
Ernemann Ernostar f2
Fujinon 55mm f2.2
Helios 44 (KMZ)
Helios 44-2 58 f2
Helios 65 50 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 65 f2
Jupiter 9 85 f2.0
Jupiter 11 135 f4.0
Kilfitt Makro-Kilar 40
Konishiroku 35 f2.8
Konica Hexanon 260
Leitz Wetzlar 90 f2.5
MC Rokkor 24 f2.8
MC Rokkor 28 f2.5
MC Rokkor 58 f1.2
MD Rokkor 135 f2.8
Meyer AV 80mm f2.8
Meyer 100mm f2.8
Mir-1 37mm f2.8
Noflexar 35 f3.5 Macro
Olympus Zuiko 50 f1.8
Pentacon 28 f2.8
Pentacon 50 f1.8
Pentacon 135 f2.8
Pentacon 200 f/4
Pentacon AV 80 f2.8
Pentacon AV 100 f2.8
Pentacon AV 140 f3.5
Petzval LOMO 130 f1.8
Rayxar e50 f0.75 Delft
Rodenstock Heligon
Rodenstock Rodagon
RF 50mm f/1.2L USM
Rollei Projar 85 f2.8
Schneider 50 f2.8
Schneider 75 f4.5
Schneider 135 f3.5
Sigma 14-24 DG Art
Steinheil 135cm f4.5
Stitz Stereo SV-1 3D
Super-Kiptar 90 2.0
Super-Takumar 55 f1.8
Tair-11 133 f2.8
Triplet 5 AV 100 f2.8
Will-Wetzlar AV 90
Tech Blog
Anaglyph 3D
Anamorphic Lenses
Aperture and Lens Size
Cha-Cha Stereo
Chromatic Errors
Creating Adapters
Creative Techniques
Crop Factor
Dating Lenses
Depth of Field
Digital Sensors
Extension Tubes
False Colour
Fast Lenses
Film VS Digital
Fine Art Photography
Flange Distance
Flange Distances (list)
Focal Length
Focal Plane
Focus Stacking
High Dynamic Range
How Lenses Work
Hyper Stereo
InfraRed Photography
Influencies Art
Influencies Photos
ISO Speed
Lens Cleaning
Lens Design and Glass
Lens Design History
Lens Flare
Light and Photography
Manual Lenses
Maximum Aperture
ND Filters
Optical Lens Types
Painting Photographs
Projector Lenses
Radioactive Lenses
Resolution MTF
Shutter Speed
Stereo Photography
Stereo IR Photography
Stereo Window
Tilt and Shift Lenses
UV Photography
Visual Language
Wet Plate
Zoom Lenses
Cushing Tree
The Cushing Name
First Name Variants
Family Crest
All Images taken using 1976 Minolta Rokkor 24mm. Click on any image for enlarged image and navigation views.
For information on this lens click
Site Search
Section One
Colour Images
Black and White
Section Two
A.Schacht Ulm 90 f2.8
A.Schacht Ulm 135 3.5
Anamorphic LOMO 110
Asahi Takumar 17 f4
Berthiot Flor 200 f4.5
Canon 50 f1.2 RF
Canon Dream 50 f0,95
Canon 50 f1.8 Leica
Canon FD 50 f1.4
CZ Biogon 35 f2.8
CZ R-Biotar 50 f0.7
CZ Biotar 58 f2
CZ Biotar 58 PreWar
CZ Biotar 75 f1.5
CZ Flektogon 20 f2.8
CZ Pro Tessar 50 f2.8
CZ Pro Tessar 115 f4
CZ Sonnar 50 f1.5
CZ Sonnar 85 f2.0
CZ Sonnar 135 f4
CZ Sonnar 135 PreWar
CZ Stereotar Stereo
CZ Stereo-System
CZ Triotar 135 f4
Cyclop H3T 85 f1.5
Deltamar 70 f1.6
EF 100mm f/2.8L USM
EF 100-400 f/4.5L IS
El-Nikkor 50 f2.8
El-Nikkor 50 f4
Elicar V-HQ Medical
Ernemann Ernostar f2
Fujinon 55mm f2.2
Helios 44 (KMZ)
Helios 44 58 f2
Helios 65 50 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 65 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 85 f2
Jupiter 9 85 f2
Jupiter 11 f4.0
Kilfitt Makro-Kilar 40
Konishiroku 35 f2.8
Konica Hexanon 260
Leitz Wetzlar AV90 f2.5
Mayer AV 80 f2.8
Meyer 100mm f2.8
Mir-1 37mm f2.8
MC Rokkor 24mm f2.8
MC Rokkor 28 mm f2.5
MC Rokkor 58 f1.2
MD Rokkor 135 f2.8
Noflexar 35 f3.5 Macro
Olympus Zuiko 50 f1.8
Pentacon 28 f2.8
Pentacon 50 f1.8
Pentacon 135 f2.8
Pentacon 200 f4
Pentagon AV 80 f2.8
Pentagon AV 100 f2.8
Pentacon AV 140 f3.5
Petzval LOMO 130 f1.8
Rayxar e50 f0.75 Delft
Rodenstock Heligon
Rodenstock Rodagon
RF 50mm f/1.2L USM
Rollei Projar 85 f2.8
Schneider 50 f2.8
Schneider 75 f4.5
Schneider 135 f3.5
Sigma 14-24 DG Art
Steinheil 135cm f4.5
Stitz Stereo SV-1 3D
Stitz Stereo IR SV1 3D
Super-Takumar 55 f1.8
Super-Kiptar 90 2.0
Tair-11 133 f2.8
Will-Wetzlar AV 90
Triplet 5 AV 100 f2.8
Creative Entrances
Creative Flowers
Creative Mountains
Days of Rain
Creative Lens Flare
Creative Stereo
Double Exposure
Feelings and Emotions
Long Exposure
Pep Ventosa Technique
Reversed Helios 44
Reversed Mir-1 37mm
Rubber Helios 44
Self Made Lens
Using ICM
Water & Ice
French Life
Bédarieux Stereo
Boussagues Stereo
Caroux Stereo
Château de Mourcairol
Cirque de Mourèze
Cirque Mourèze Stereo
Colombieres Stereo
Faugeres Stereo
FOS Stereo
Château Grézan
Gorges d'Heric
Gorges d'Heric Stereo
Herepian Stereo
Herepian Rally
Herepian Cycling
Madale de Rosis Stereo
Minerve Stereo
Music Prieuré StJulien
Olargues Stereo
Passa Pais
Passa Pais Stereo
Pézènes Stereo
St-Martin-de-Londr 3D
St Guilhem le Desert
Vieussan Stereo
Villemagne Stereo
Painted Places
Painted Music
IR and UV
642nm Colour Images
742nm Colour Images
Aerochrome Images
Aerochrome Stereo
B & W 850 IR
B & W 850 Stereo
CB580 Images
CB580 Stereo Images
QB1 Images
QB1 Stereo Images
QB2 Images
QB2 Stereo Images
ZB3 Images
ZB3 Stereo Images
ZBW2 Images
ZBW2 Stereo Images
Asahi Takumar 17 f4
A.Schacht Ulm 90 f2.8
A.Schacht Ulm 135 3.5
Anamorphic LOMO 110
Berthiot Flor 200 f4.5
Canon 50 f1.2 RF
Canon Dream 50 f0.95
Canon 50 F1.8 Leica
Canon FD 50 f1.4
CZ Biogon 35 f2.8
CZ R-Biotar 50 f0.7
CZ Biotar 58 f2
CZ Biotar 58 PreWar
CZ Biotar 75 f1.5
CZ Contaflex
CZ Flektogon 20 f4
CZ Flektogon 20 f2.8
CZ Sonnar 50 f1.5
CZ Sonnar 85 PreWar
CZ Sonnar 135 f4.0
CZ Sonnar 135 PreWar
CZ Stereotar Stereo
CZ Stereo-System
CZ Triotar 135 f4.0
Cyclop H3T 85 f1.5
Deltamar 70 f1.6
EF 100mm f/2.8L
EF 100-400 f/4.5L IS
El-Nikkor 50mm
Elicar V-HQ Medical
Ernemann Ernostar f2
Fujinon 55mm f2.2
Helios 44 (KMZ)
Helios 44-2 58 f2
Helios 65 50 f2
ISCO Ultra MC 65 f2
Jupiter 9 85 f2.0
Jupiter 11 135 f4.0
Kilfitt Makro-Kilar 40
Konishiroku 35 f2.8
Konica Hexanon 260
Leitz Wetzlar 90 f2.5
MC Rokkor 24 f2.8
MC Rokkor 28 f2.5
MC Rokkor 58 f1.2
MD Rokkor 135 f2.8
Meyer AV 80mm f2.8
Meyer 100mm f2.8
Mir-1 37mm f2.8
Noflexar 35 f3.5 Macro
Olympus Zuiko 50 f1.8
Pentacon 28 f2.8
Pentacon 50 f1.8
Pentacon 135 f2.8
Pentacon 200 f/4
Pentacon AV 80 f2.8
Pentacon AV 100 f2.8
Pentacon AV 140 f3.5
Petzval LOMO 130 f1.8
Rayxar e50 f0.75 Delft
Rodenstock Heligon
Rodenstock Rodagon
RF 50mm f/1.2L USM
Rollei Projar 85 f2.8
Schneider 50 f2.8
Schneider 75 f4.5
Schneider 135 f3.5
Sigma 14-24 DG Art
Steinheil 135cm f4.5
Stitz Stereo SV-1 3D
Super-Kiptar 90 2.0
Super-Takumar 55 f1.8
Tair-11 133 f2.8
Triplet 5 AV 100 f2.8
Will-Wetzlar AV 90
Tech Blog
Anaglyph 3D
Anamorphic Lenses
Aperture and Lens Size
Cha-Cha Stereo
Chromatic Errors
Creating Adapters
Creative Techniques
Crop Factor
Dating Lenses
Depth of Field
Digital Sensors
Extension Tubes
False Colour
Fast Lenses
Film VS Digital
Fine Art Photography
Flange Distance
Flange Distances (list)
Focal Length
Focal Plane
Focus Stacking
High Dynamic Range
How Lenses Work
Hyper Stereo
InfraRed Photography
Influencies Art
Influencies Photos
ISO Speed
Lens Cleaning
Lens Design and Glass
Lens Design History
Lens Flare
Light and Photography
Manual Lenses
Maximum Aperture
ND Filters
Optical Lens Types
Painting Photographs
Projector Lenses
Radioactive Lenses
Resolution MTF
Shutter Speed
Stereo Photography
Stereo IR Photography
Stereo Window
Tilt and Shift Lenses
UV Photography
Visual Language
Wet Plate
Zoom Lenses
Cushing Tree
The Cushing Name
First Name Variants
Family Crest